Thursday, December 6, 2012

The In's and Out's of Cloth Diapering: Washing!

Ask 20 different people that you cloth how they wash them and you will receive 20 different answers.  That is because a washing routine really depends on what kind of machine, you have, what kind of water (hard of soft), and how often you will be washing.

So what I am going to do is give you some basic info on washing your diapers and you can go from there. Sound good? Okay, here we go!

The basics of washing

  1. Do NOT use a wet pail, essentially a bucket full of water. This is something of the past. And not only is it a drowning hazard for young children but it could also lead to a case of the "stinkies" or mildew. YUCK! Today most people use a diaper pail with a liner inside of it or a hanging wet bag.
    1. Choose a detergent that is free of enzymes, dyes, and fragrances.  In last weeks post I shared my recipe for homemade detergent with you.  But if that is not your thing you can check out this chart for a list of safe detergents.
  2. Look at what type of washer your have. HE (High Efficiency  or a regular washer and even if it's a top loader of front loader.  These matter because what settings you use or how you wash will depend on these.

A basic Routine

In last week when I shared my recipe for homemade detergent I also shared two different washing routines that I use depending on the amount of time I have and how many diapers there are (we only CD part time). 
But here is a basic wash routine that most people use:
  1. On wash day throw all of your diapers and pail liner or wet bag into the washer
  2. Do a rinse cycle on cold with no detergent. (If you use hot water you might cause stains to form from any residue.
  3. Do a full wash cycle on HOT with about 1/4- 1/2 the amount of the recommended detergent.
  4. Do a second RINSE cycle to ensure all of the detergent is rinsed out.
  5. Shells and covers should be line dried in order to keep the waterproof material effective but every things else can be thrown in the drier.
This is pretty much the same routine that I follow BUT I only use 2 Tablespoons of my homemade detergent and sometimes skip the pre-rinse or the final rinse. 

And Remember everyone's wash routines are different and what works for me not work for you and vice versa.  You will just have to experiment to find out what works for you and your washer. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Homemade Cloth Diaper detergent

Almost every brand of cloth diapers has their own special detergent that they want you to use on their diapers. But unless you have a CD store in your area you will more than likely have to order it online.  And if  you're like me and don't have a credit or debit card then you are kind of in a tough spot.

That is why I decided to do a little research on homemade detergent and came across a lot of information.  With most of the detergents containing 3 similar ingredients: Borax, Washing Soda, and Oxiclean. So I just took that information, went to my local Wal*Mart and was able to find all the ingredients there. I then went home and got to work.

My CD detergent Recipe:

  • 2 Cup Washing Soda
  • 2 Cup Borax
  • 1 Cup Sun Oxygen (similar to Oxiclean just cheaper)
The process to making this was simple.  I me`asured out and mixed all 3 ingredients together in my plastic container and it was done.  But I went a step further and transferred some of it into a Mason Jar just because it is easier to store on my washer.  Use 2 Tablespoons per load

Washing Method #1

Rinse/Spin cycle on cold with no detergent, Full wash cycle on hot with 2 TBSP detergent, Rinse/Spin cycle on cold with no detergent.  I then hang dry the covers and Pocket diapers and throw the FSTs, inserts, and perfolds into the dryer on medium/low heat for 30-45 minutes.

I've gotten lazy though and now use this method:

Washing Method #2

Full wash cycle on Cold with 2 TBSP detergent and then throw everything into the dryer on Medium/low heat for 30-45 minutes.
There are those weeks though where I go a little longer between washes, like last week, and when that happens I end up doing method #1 and sometimes add 1 or 2 extra rinses at the end.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I lost the Challenge!

Hey guys it has been a LONG time since I've posted and I apologize for that.  And it seems like I have failed at my own challenge.  I have failed to post something I am thankful for everyday this month.  Trust me, it's not that I'm not thankful for 30 different things it's just that I don't have the time to sit down and right a post every single day.   Because I am truly thankful for so many things in my life. From Sophia to my dogs. From our crappy car to my parents.
 I just can not post every single day, you guys already know that I have a hard time posting once a week.  That is all going to change though. I PROMISE!
Starting this week I will have a post up every Thursday night between 5:00 and 5:30 PM CST. No if's, and's, or but's about it.  It will be posted.

SIDE NOTE: I am also working on getting a Facebook set up for this blog where I would post things more frequently than I do here.  But for now there is a Twitter set up and a Pinterest account.  Go follow me there :)

God Bless.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

oh boy! I'm behind.... Days 5-13

Life has been CRAZY the last two weeks! 
My cousin and his girlfriend had their baby, I lost a 10 page paper for my Religion 101 class and had to re-type the WHOLE thing, Nathan has been sick with the flu or something, I voted for the very first time, Sophia has started to crawl BACKWARDS, and so much more! And because of all this I have neglected you guys, which I am so sorry for.  So today is a day of catch-up since I now have some downtime between classes and hopefully will when I get home tonight as well.

Day 5- Doctors/modern medicine

Well as I mentioned above my cousin and his girlfriend had their sweet baby girl Cindi this weekend and although she had a fast and easy labor things didn't go exactly as planned.  Cindi started to breath before she was out and ended up swallowing fluid.  Because of this her oxtgen started to drop really low (in the mid-80's) and her lungs started to collapse.  Thankfully the doctors and nurses acted quickly and Cindi ended up doing just fine after spending a few short days in the NICU.  Without the doctors and the advanced equipment available to them I don't know what kind of state Cindi would be in.

Day 6- The country I live in/The right to vote

I am so thankful that I live in a country where I have the right and privilege to help choose the person who will run the country.  I couldn't imagine living somewhere that I didn't have any say in how the country was ran.  And I know I really don't have that big of a say in it now but the little bit I do have is nice.

Day 7-  Fellowship

This day was specifically hard for me as it marked the 2 year anniversary of the day I lost one of my best friends.  On this day 2 years ago I received a horrific text message from another one of my friends on my way to work, "Mitchell's dead".  That's all it said.  I couldn't believe it.  I didn't believe it.  It wasn't till I got to school the next day and heard my homeroom teacher tell us the news.  I felt like I was ready to break down and go hide in a dark room somewhere.  Anywhere. As long as I was away from everyone else.  I remember crying for the longest time that day and going to work that night was impossible.  But that week I turned to my friends and "family" at church.  We all sat back in our church's youth room and talked about all the good times we had with Mitchell.  And just like that day 2 years ago, I went to church and sat in the youth room and just held conversations with friends and "family" on how Mitchell was just an amazing person.

Day 8- Mitchell

Yesterday I was thankful for fellowship when it came to the 2 year anniversary of when I lost one of my best friends but today I am thankful for that friend I lost.  Without him I wouldn't be sitting here and typing this.  I wouldn't be in college.  And I wouldn't have Sophia.  About 5 years ago I was going through a really hard time in my life and I was just ready to give up on everything, until I met Mitchell.  Mitchell showed me that there was so much to live for.  He taught me how to enjoy the little things in life and how to have fun.  He is the person who first introduced me to guitar hero and Numa Numa.  He helped me through one of my hardest times and I wish I could of been there to help him as well. 

Day 9-  My Mom

I know that I have already done a thankful post on my parents but today I am just thankful for my mom.  She has supported me through everything in my life. Even when I "disappointed" her getting pregnant in high school she stuck with me and loved me through it.  She has never doubted any of my decisions, whether it was to keep Sophia, breastfeed, go to college, or anything else.  She has just told me "you can do it" and has never left my side.  Yes, I have my moments where I can't stand her, but I'm pretty sure that is normal for every girl, but for the most part she is my best friend.  I one day hope to be just a great a mom to Sophia as my mom was to me.

Day 10- Friends

I am so thankful for the friends I have.  Even if we don't talk much they are always there for me when I need them and help give me a "break" from being a mommy.  Friday and Saturday I spent the whole day with Jamie and her girls in her hometown and her aunts and parents houses.  Then on Saturday before heading home Jamie, the girls, and I headed to the outlet mall and did some shopping.  
Then when I got home Saturday night I reconnected with a friend I haven't talked to since Phia was born and we went bowling.  It was nice to get together again but it made me reminisce of all the old times we had and then I became a little under the weather. 

Day 11-  Lazy Days

It was rather gloomy and cold outside today so Sophia, my mom, and I sat around in our pajamas all day and watched Christmas movies (Yes I know its only the middle of November but we are super excited for Christmas to get here).  We did venture out of the house once to go to Walmart at about 8 Pm because we were craving chocolate.  All-in-all it was a great day.

Day 12-  Free Samples

We have been struggling with a possible milk protein sensitivity with Phia, at least that's the conclusion I've come to after my research, and it has just been torture.  She was spitting up constantly, not sleeping, and then when she would sleep at night she would wake up a few hours later and just screams and we couldn't quiet her at all.  We tried a low-lactose formula on our own and things got a better for a few days but then it went full circle and we were right back where we started.  So yesterday I made the call to the pediatricians office and told them my concerns and that we had tried the low-lactose and they suggested that we switch to a soy formula and that stuff is EXPENSIVE.  Thankfully the office had some free samples of Gerber Good Start Soy available and I was able to pick up a enough cans to get us through the "trial" period week.  By next Monday we should know if the Soy formula will work for Phia or if we are dealing with something else.

Day 13- Sleep

Woke up this morning with a throbbing headache, sore throat, and a stomach ache.  All I wanted to do was sleep and thankfully I got to do that until 1 PM! Again this was all thanks to my parents, if it wasn't for them I would've been up at 9 am with Phia but they offered to take her for a few hours.  After I woke up I felt almost 100% better and headed to school.

Whew, 9 days all in one post that is a little overwhelming but I promise it will not happen again.  I am going back to 2 days/post!

Good Bless!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 3 and 4 of Thankful month

Day 3-Nathan

I am so so thankful to have Nathan in my life. He is the best boyfriend I could ask for and such an amazing daddy to Phia. 
 He has stood by me through everything.  We got pregnant with Phia after just 4 months of dating and during the summer of our senior year of high school and yet he didn't leave me, he stayed and was so supportive of any decisions I made.  He went to every doctors appointment (unless he was at work and couldn't get off) and he stayed by my side through most of my labor.  He has also went along with any parenting decisions that I have made from breastfeeding, to babywearing, and although he's not completely on board yet he is supportive of my decision to cloth diaper.  

I don't think I could ask for a better dad for Phia or a better boyfriend for myself.

Day 4- Youth and Family Director/ Phia's godmother- Jamie

She doesn't know this and will probably never read this but she has been my motivation through everything.  She helped me when I lost a good friend to suicide, and uncle to cancer, and a grandpa all within a month of each other.  She was the first person I turned to when I found out I was pregnant and she stayed with me through the whole thing.  She offered me a place to live if my parents kicked me out and just so much more from maternity clothes to baby clothes.  She just knows how to stay happy, have a great time, and make people feel good though some extremely tough situations.  I don't know where I would be without her!

Friday, November 2, 2012

November= Thankful Month (Days 1&2)

My favorite time of the year is here and with it comes my favorite holidays with my most favorite one being this month.  THANKSGIVING! 

Thanksgiving is all about being thankful for the people and things that are in our lives and it also happens to be in my favorite month, during my favorite season, AND it is actually my favorite holiday.  So this month as a type of challenge (I LOVE challenges) I am going to try and post something/someone that I am thankful for each day.  But seeing as I am already a day behind we can probably guess how this is going to turn out, but we will try!

Day 1- Sophia

Sophia was not planned but she is the best thing that I have in my life.  Before I found out I was pregnant with her I was heading down a rocky road.  I had given up my dream of going to college and was just in a down mood.  She changed all of that for me.  When I first saw that itty bitty baby during my first ultrasound at about 13 weeks my whole world changed.  I again wanted to go to college in order to get a good job to provide for my little girl.  She has also taught me what it truly  means to love.  I am so thankful to have her as my daughter.

Day 2- My Parents

With out my parents I don't know what I'd being doing or where I would be at this moment without them.  I know I really hurt them last year when I told them I was pregnant with Phia, especially my mom since I didn't  tell her first.  But through it all they loved me and supported me in every decision that I have made.  Nathan and I are both also so thankful that they are willing to let us stay living with them in their house until we are able to get on our own feet.  They are truly the best parents anyone could ask for and I just hope I can be as good as a parent to Sophia.

SIDE NOTE:  I will continue with the "In's and Out's of Cloth Diapering" series and I "HOPE" to have the next one up by Thursday night, roughly around 5 and 7 PM CST!

God Bless,

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The In's and Out's of Cloth Diapering- What diaper is best?

Phia and I are constantly on the go so when it came to picking out a diaper system I wanted something that was small enough to fit either in a small backpack or even my purse if need-be. But I also wanted a system that was easy to wash and care for and one that was economical.
The system we chose was Flip Diapers.  These are an AI2/Hybrid diaper and the shell can be reused as long as it doesn't get soiled so all I have to do is through a few inserts/prefolds in my bag and maybe an extra shell, depending on how long we'll be out, and go.  But this system isn't very daddy/caregiver friendly, which could be a problem if your little one (LO) is in daycare or daddy and others take care of LO.

Daddy/Caregiver Friendly

Pockets and AIO's are great options to send to daycare and grandparents houses or to just keep on hand for daddy to use.  Both of these diapers go on just like a disposable diaper and come in snap or aplix closures.  But each have their downsides.

Pocket Diapers:

The absorbent layer does need to be "stuffed" inside the pocket of this diaper but as long as that is done before hand daddy or other caregivers can just put it on just like a disposable. The only thing they will do different is instead of throwing the diaper in the trash can they will throw it in a wet bag or pail. 
  Price ranges from $4.79 ( to $29.95 (Nicki's Diapers)


All-in-one diapers are simply all-in-one.  The absorbent layer is sewn into the waterproof cover so there is no "stuffing" These again go on just like a disposable but instead of throwing in in the trash it goes inside the wet bag or pail.  The downside to these diapers is they take longer to dry.  Prices range from $16.95 (Nicki's Diapers) to  $26.25 (Nicki's Diapers).  
If you are going to be using pockets or AIOs full time you will need to have at least 24 in order to wash every other day since you do have to change the whole diaper out at every change.  But if you are only going to be using them while LO is in daycare or just when daddy is in charge a good rule to follow is one for every 3 hours you'll be gone plus one.

Easy to travel with


With an All-in-two style diaper you can use the same cover multiple times (as long as it doesn't get pee'd or poop'd on) and just change out the absorbent insert.  These are perfect for short trips out because you can just throw one or two inserts into your purse or diaper bag and go.  But even for those longer trips they are nice because one or two covers should get you through a day trip (depending on the age of your baby).   And then there is the hybrid option, which is great for traveling (or so reviews and companies say).  With the hybrid option you can get biodegradable/flushable liners that get placed inside the cover and when you change the diaper you just dump the liner in the toilet and flush.  Prices range from $12.25 (Nicki's Diapers) to $21.95 (Nicki's Diapers).

Money Saving

If you are looking for the most economical option the best route to go would be prefolds/flats and covers.  This diapering system gives you the most options because you can either wrap the prefold or flat around LO and either pin/snappi/boingo on and put a cover around it OR you can tri-fold or pad-fold a prefold or flat and just place it in the cover to make your own AI2.  Prefolds range in price from $1.75/piece (Nicki's Diapers) to $7.75/piece (Nicki's Diapers) and flats $14.99/dozen (Nicki's Diapers).  Covers range from $7.95 OS PUL (Nicki's Diapers) to $44.00 sized Wool (Nicki's Diapers).

Now, there are many different types of diaper systems available and every baby/parent combo has their own preferences but the options I have explained and listed above are the best options for each category based on my experience and research.  If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments.

Last post:

Friday, October 19, 2012

The In's and Out's of Cloth Diapering- Terminology

Pins, rubber pants, and wet pails are the cloth diapers of yesteryear.  These days we have snappi's, PUL covers, and wet bags.  But what does PUL stand for? And what in the world is a Snappi?

Before deciding what time of cloth diapers you would like to use or deciding if cloth diapering is even the right choice for you it might help to understand all of the crazy lingo that other bloggers and companies are using. So here in my first installment of "The In's and Out's of Cloth Diapering" I will go through the basic the terminology of cloth diapering because I know how it feels to be stressed out over all the information found on the internet.

Cloth Diaper Terminology 

CD- Cloth Diapers, Cloth Diaper, Cloth diapering

Stash-  This is your collection of Diapers.

PUL- Polyurethane Laminate. This is a waterproof fabric that is used in diaper covers to make them, to state the obvious, waterproof.

Wet bag- This is a PUL bag that most people use to put their dirty diapers in. They come in sizes ranging from small to Large.  And some of the more popular brands of the large's come with straps that you can use to hang them with (such as this one PlanetWise Hanging wet bag).

Pail Liner- This is similar to a wet bag but it fits inside a diaper pail

Repelling-  This is when the synthetic inner of a diaper won't absorb liquid to the insert of the diaper.  This is most common in pocket diapers and is usually caused by detergent buildup.

Wicking- put simply is the transfer of moisture from one area to another.  A popular material that wicks moisture away is mircofleece.

Liners-  Either biodegradable paper or another piece of thin cloth that some parents place between the baby and the actual diaper to help with the clean-up of solid waste.

Doublers-  A pad like material that is added on top of a diaper to make it more absorbent.  Really nice for night time use.

Inserts- Inserts are what people usually stuff inside pocket diapers or lay inside of an AI2 or Hybrid diaper. They can be made out of any absorbent material such as microfiber, hemp, bamboo, or a blend of a few different ones.

Snaps-   Just like what is on your pants.  These are used to close diaper covers.

Hook & Loop- Velcro-like closures.  Much softer than the actual Velcro brand.

Aplix- Just another name/version of Hook & Loop

OS- One size. These usually fit fro 8-35 pounds but sometimes go up to 40 or 45 pounds.  The general consensus is that they fit starting at around 10 pounds.

Flat- a flat is simply a square piece of fabric that measures from 20x20 to 30x30.  This is what our grandparents and possibly even our parents would fold up and pin around their children. Today parents can now pad-fold these and lay them inside a cover or pin them or snappi them around their children.  These are not only the cheapest cloth diaper available but they are also the easiest to wash they dry super fast.  ** Flour sack towels also make really great flats and can be found at almost any store.

Prefolds-  These are the next cheapest option after flats but are a little bit more sophisticated and come in different sizes from premie to toddler.  They are essentially a rectangular piece of layered cotton twill or birdseye cotton and are sewn in three sections with the middle section having the most absorbency. The most common measurements are 2*4*2 (2 layers on the outside, 4 layers in the middle, 2 layers on the outside) or 4*8*4 (4 layers of the outside, 8 inside, 4 outside).  These again can be folded and pinned or snappi'd around a baby or they can be tri-folded and placed inside a cover by itself. ** A popular brand is Green Mountain Diapers (GMD) 

Fitteds- These are similar to the size and shape of disposable diapers.  They come in many different types of absorbent fabric from cotton to bamboo and have elastic around the waist and leg openings.  Comes in both Snap and hook & Loop closures. These are a sized diaper and require a waterproof Cover over them.

Covers- Covers are made from a waterproof material, usually PUL or wool, and they come in both aplix and snap closures. These are already shaped like a diaper and have elastic in the waist and around the legs.  These are available in either simple colors or  fancy prints.  Covers paired with flats or prefolds underneath is the cheapest option for CD'ing.

Pocket Diapers- Pocket diapers are the most daddy and daycare friendly CDs. They are made of a PUL outer and a wicking material inner, such as microfleece or suedecloth, with a "pocket" style opening sewn in it which is where the absorbent insert is stuffed.  Pockets are available with aplix or snap closures and are shaped just like a 'sposie.

All-in-one's or AIOs-  The CD that is most like a 'sposie and another one that is really daddy and daycare friendly.  AIOs have a PUL outer with the absorbent material already built into the diaper which makes them easier than pockets because there is no stuff or un-stuffing (which is a plus)!  These again are shaped just like a 'sposie and are available with aplix or snap closures.

All-in-twos of AI2s/Hybrids-  An All-in-two (AI2) diaper is a two part diapering system that consist of a waterproof "shell", similar to a cover, and a absorbent insert that either snaps in or is just set inside depending on the brand.  The nice thing about AI2's is that the shell can be used multiple times before it has to be washed as long as it doesn't get to soaked or poop on it.  The hybrid option of AI2's is a flushable/biodegradable liner that can be placed on top of the absorbent insert.  These are also available in either aplix or snap closures.

Here is a Flip Diaper by BumGenius

Snappi- The modern day safety pins! Snappi's are a "T" shaped rubber material with the 2 top arms being longer than the bottom arm.  At the end of the arms are little plastic "teeth" that grip onto the fabric of a flat or prefold and keeps it secured on baby.  Snappi's are available in different colors and size 1 or 2.

Boingo- A boingo is similar to a snappi but you need two boingos compared to one snappi.  The reason for this is because you have one boingo for each side of the diaper.

I personally don't have any knowledge or experience with wool covers yet but am about to dive into that side of CD'ing so as soon as I do learn more about it, I will do a separate post all about wool!

I hope this helps at least one mom or caregiver out there who is trying to learn about cloth diapers!

And just for fun here is a picture of Sophia in a white Flip diaper with a pad-folded flour sack towel inside.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Hi everyone! This is my first ever blog post so we'll see how this things goes.

Some background information about myself

I'm Amanda, the first time, working mom to (So)Phia (baby sock monkey) and the girlfriend to Nathan (daddy sock monkey).  Nathan and I are both in college full time and I have a part time job so as you can imagine our lives are a little chaotic at the moment but it is well worth it and a lot of fun.

Our Parenting style is different than almost everyone we know in our small little town in the fact that we believe in cloth diapering, babywearing, attachment Parenting (AP), baby food making, and montessori style learning.  That is mainly what this blog will be like combined with general life happenings and what not.

If you are going to come along for the ride, I suggest you hold on tight because this could get crazy!
