My cousin and his girlfriend had their baby, I lost a 10 page paper for my Religion 101 class and had to re-type the WHOLE thing, Nathan has been sick with the flu or something, I voted for the very first time, Sophia has started to crawl BACKWARDS, and so much more! And because of all this I have neglected you guys, which I am so sorry for. So today is a day of catch-up since I now have some downtime between classes and hopefully will when I get home tonight as well.
Day 5- Doctors/modern medicine
Well as I mentioned above my cousin and his girlfriend had their sweet baby girl Cindi this weekend and although she had a fast and easy labor things didn't go exactly as planned. Cindi started to breath before she was out and ended up swallowing fluid. Because of this her oxtgen started to drop really low (in the mid-80's) and her lungs started to collapse. Thankfully the doctors and nurses acted quickly and Cindi ended up doing just fine after spending a few short days in the NICU. Without the doctors and the advanced equipment available to them I don't know what kind of state Cindi would be in.
Day 6- The country I live in/The right to vote
I am so thankful that I live in a country where I have the right and privilege to help choose the person who will run the country. I couldn't imagine living somewhere that I didn't have any say in how the country was ran. And I know I really don't have that big of a say in it now but the little bit I do have is nice.
Day 7- Fellowship
This day was specifically hard for me as it marked the 2 year anniversary of the day I lost one of my best friends. On this day 2 years ago I received a horrific text message from another one of my friends on my way to work, "Mitchell's dead". That's all it said. I couldn't believe it. I didn't believe it. It wasn't till I got to school the next day and heard my homeroom teacher tell us the news. I felt like I was ready to break down and go hide in a dark room somewhere. Anywhere. As long as I was away from everyone else. I remember crying for the longest time that day and going to work that night was impossible. But that week I turned to my friends and "family" at church. We all sat back in our church's youth room and talked about all the good times we had with Mitchell. And just like that day 2 years ago, I went to church and sat in the youth room and just held conversations with friends and "family" on how Mitchell was just an amazing person.
Day 8- Mitchell
Yesterday I was thankful for fellowship when it came to the 2 year anniversary of when I lost one of my best friends but today I am thankful for that friend I lost. Without him I wouldn't be sitting here and typing this. I wouldn't be in college. And I wouldn't have Sophia. About 5 years ago I was going through a really hard time in my life and I was just ready to give up on everything, until I met Mitchell. Mitchell showed me that there was so much to live for. He taught me how to enjoy the little things in life and how to have fun. He is the person who first introduced me to guitar hero and Numa Numa. He helped me through one of my hardest times and I wish I could of been there to help him as well.
Day 9- My Mom
I know that I have already done a thankful post on my parents but today I am just thankful for my mom. She has supported me through everything in my life. Even when I "disappointed" her getting pregnant in high school she stuck with me and loved me through it. She has never doubted any of my decisions, whether it was to keep Sophia, breastfeed, go to college, or anything else. She has just told me "you can do it" and has never left my side. Yes, I have my moments where I can't stand her, but I'm pretty sure that is normal for every girl, but for the most part she is my best friend. I one day hope to be just a great a mom to Sophia as my mom was to me.
Day 10- Friends
I am so thankful for the friends I have. Even if we don't talk much they are always there for me when I need them and help give me a "break" from being a mommy. Friday and Saturday I spent the whole day with Jamie and her girls in her hometown and her aunts and parents houses. Then on Saturday before heading home Jamie, the girls, and I headed to the outlet mall and did some shopping.
Then when I got home Saturday night I reconnected with a friend I haven't talked to since Phia was born and we went bowling. It was nice to get together again but it made me reminisce of all the old times we had and then I became a little under the weather.
Day 11- Lazy Days
It was rather gloomy and cold outside today so Sophia, my mom, and I sat around in our pajamas all day and watched Christmas movies (Yes I know its only the middle of November but we are super excited for Christmas to get here). We did venture out of the house once to go to Walmart at about 8 Pm because we were craving chocolate. All-in-all it was a great day.
Day 12- Free Samples
We have been struggling with a possible milk protein sensitivity with Phia, at least that's the conclusion I've come to after my research, and it has just been torture. She was spitting up constantly, not sleeping, and then when she would sleep at night she would wake up a few hours later and just screams and we couldn't quiet her at all. We tried a low-lactose formula on our own and things got a better for a few days but then it went full circle and we were right back where we started. So yesterday I made the call to the pediatricians office and told them my concerns and that we had tried the low-lactose and they suggested that we switch to a soy formula and that stuff is EXPENSIVE. Thankfully the office had some free samples of Gerber Good Start Soy available and I was able to pick up a enough cans to get us through the "trial" period week. By next Monday we should know if the Soy formula will work for Phia or if we are dealing with something else.
Day 13- Sleep
Woke up this morning with a throbbing headache, sore throat, and a stomach ache. All I wanted to do was sleep and thankfully I got to do that until 1 PM! Again this was all thanks to my parents, if it wasn't for them I would've been up at 9 am with Phia but they offered to take her for a few hours. After I woke up I felt almost 100% better and headed to school.
Whew, 9 days all in one post that is a little overwhelming but I promise it will not happen again. I am going back to 2 days/post!
Good Bless!
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