Thursday, November 1, 2012

The In's and Out's of Cloth Diapering- What diaper is best?

Phia and I are constantly on the go so when it came to picking out a diaper system I wanted something that was small enough to fit either in a small backpack or even my purse if need-be. But I also wanted a system that was easy to wash and care for and one that was economical.
The system we chose was Flip Diapers.  These are an AI2/Hybrid diaper and the shell can be reused as long as it doesn't get soiled so all I have to do is through a few inserts/prefolds in my bag and maybe an extra shell, depending on how long we'll be out, and go.  But this system isn't very daddy/caregiver friendly, which could be a problem if your little one (LO) is in daycare or daddy and others take care of LO.

Daddy/Caregiver Friendly

Pockets and AIO's are great options to send to daycare and grandparents houses or to just keep on hand for daddy to use.  Both of these diapers go on just like a disposable diaper and come in snap or aplix closures.  But each have their downsides.

Pocket Diapers:

The absorbent layer does need to be "stuffed" inside the pocket of this diaper but as long as that is done before hand daddy or other caregivers can just put it on just like a disposable. The only thing they will do different is instead of throwing the diaper in the trash can they will throw it in a wet bag or pail. 
  Price ranges from $4.79 ( to $29.95 (Nicki's Diapers)


All-in-one diapers are simply all-in-one.  The absorbent layer is sewn into the waterproof cover so there is no "stuffing" These again go on just like a disposable but instead of throwing in in the trash it goes inside the wet bag or pail.  The downside to these diapers is they take longer to dry.  Prices range from $16.95 (Nicki's Diapers) to  $26.25 (Nicki's Diapers).  
If you are going to be using pockets or AIOs full time you will need to have at least 24 in order to wash every other day since you do have to change the whole diaper out at every change.  But if you are only going to be using them while LO is in daycare or just when daddy is in charge a good rule to follow is one for every 3 hours you'll be gone plus one.

Easy to travel with


With an All-in-two style diaper you can use the same cover multiple times (as long as it doesn't get pee'd or poop'd on) and just change out the absorbent insert.  These are perfect for short trips out because you can just throw one or two inserts into your purse or diaper bag and go.  But even for those longer trips they are nice because one or two covers should get you through a day trip (depending on the age of your baby).   And then there is the hybrid option, which is great for traveling (or so reviews and companies say).  With the hybrid option you can get biodegradable/flushable liners that get placed inside the cover and when you change the diaper you just dump the liner in the toilet and flush.  Prices range from $12.25 (Nicki's Diapers) to $21.95 (Nicki's Diapers).

Money Saving

If you are looking for the most economical option the best route to go would be prefolds/flats and covers.  This diapering system gives you the most options because you can either wrap the prefold or flat around LO and either pin/snappi/boingo on and put a cover around it OR you can tri-fold or pad-fold a prefold or flat and just place it in the cover to make your own AI2.  Prefolds range in price from $1.75/piece (Nicki's Diapers) to $7.75/piece (Nicki's Diapers) and flats $14.99/dozen (Nicki's Diapers).  Covers range from $7.95 OS PUL (Nicki's Diapers) to $44.00 sized Wool (Nicki's Diapers).

Now, there are many different types of diaper systems available and every baby/parent combo has their own preferences but the options I have explained and listed above are the best options for each category based on my experience and research.  If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments.

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